We are your trusted urgent care center, committed to providing comprehensive and high-quality medical care services throughout the community.
patient Centered Care
100% secure, confidential, and HIPAA compliant
After hours Telehealth
Visit Doctor from the comfort of your Home
Rochester Medpointe Urgent Care Now offer After Hours Tele Medicine Services from 8PM-12AM.
Accept All Insurance Plans
How It Works

Step 1
Book Appointment
You can select your preferred time & Date from Booking calendar and will receive an email link to complete intake forms requiring your basic information as well as reason for visit.

Step 2
Get Evaluated by Doctor
Once you submit you information, Get into online waiting room and will be seen by MD right away.

Step 3
Pick up Rx
Once Seen by doctor and if necessary, Your medication Rx will be send to your preferred pharmacy within 5-10 minutes.
Contact for Afterhours Telehealth at